

In an effort to keep a list of the books I read and recommend, here we are…
This will be in a general reverse chronological order, meaning the most recent first. Some are from the library, some are in my personal library. My wonderful Mom has given me several over the years as we both learn the things we were never taught.

Continue reading “Library”

Podcast List

I’ve been into podcasts for a _very_ long time, and regularly get asked for my recommendations. So rather than try and recreate this list for everyone who asks, I’ll just point them here! This list is in alphabetical order, and some of the entries aren’t current anymore. Some are dead but you can still get past episodes.

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2019 Holiday 2020 New Years Cheer!

With the dawning of this New Christian Year 2020 as marked by the recent Gregorian/Italian New Year, as well as the various Holidays that have passed/are still happening/are coming soon, I hope you all are doing fantastic! Much joy and cheer to you!

Nothing much of an update really, things are plugging along at 4Crows and MakerCave, the steps on some days are bigger than others, but most days lately have been forward!

I’m trying out some jewellery on the 3D Printers today, just to see how it turns out and stuff like that. One is a Cosplay toy, which is also kinda fun. Pictures when they’re done added.

Continue reading “2019 Holiday 2020 New Years Cheer!”

Thinking about land

I’ve been doing a lot of learning lately.

I think it started in earnest with Red Man Laughing. Which is rather sad really, since I’ve been surrounded by non-white voices since university. But Ryan’s show is the first one I can remember sitting with me, the stories. And how much similarity there was in some of the shittier aspects. How much colonization had just completely fucked everything up for, well, everyone.

Continue reading “Thinking about land”


<Scriven> The first one I noticed was beautiful and competent.
<Scriven> of course we didn’t know it was an android, not at first.
<Scriven> when they passed the testing phase, the DMV phased out all the humans, so the androids just dealt with everyone, one per location.
<Scriven> lines stayed the same length, it was just more efficient for each of the thousands of daily transactions.
<Scriven> Soon businesses cropped up serving the people who are standing in line. over-head drone delivery of smart-phone ordered food from vendors that hover around the perimeter.
<Scriven> then came the ‘holding the place in line while you use the bathroom’ people… and the adult incontinence device sellers.
<Scriven> garbage collection.
<Scriven> A collection was taken up one day, and one section got a tarp installed.
<Scriven> They were angry when the other people didn’t let them take it with them when the line moved slightly, but the security guards pulled out the rowdy ones and put them at the back of the line… that shut up the rest… no one wanted to be reset.
<Scriven> That set up the precedent that installations stayed where installed… umbrella sales skyrocketed.
<Scriven> Eventually people started to wonder why, if the dmv was so efficient, did the line not move faster…
<Scriven> shouldn’t they be shuffling along at a slow but regular pace? Not camping out?
<Scriven> That was when the rumour started… the dmv had started a pay-to-the-front line…
<Scriven> “Before The Riots”.