Finally got around to mounting the monitor on the VESA-mount arm I’ve had kicking around for ages.
Moved the Raspberry Pi to behind the wooden support, wired everything up and hid most of the wires behind the support.
The Pi is currently running OMSC, but basically only for the weather plugin right now. I have used it for watching videos, but the internal setup isn’t fixed yet and the games we play on the Homebrew-modded Wii.
Planned/Wanted updates include:
- I would like to add a USB MPEG Encoder, HD/LD capable to encode things like VCR movies, stream Wii video games, but also accommodate upgrades and adding HD to the mix.
- I want to create some power-adapter bits-and-pieces, so I can use a regular computer power supply to power the various USB/5V and 12V devices with a single device. Molex-USB female adapters anyone? 😉
- I need a shorter HDMI-DVI24+1 cable.