Weasley Clock

So, in case you haven’t read the Harry Potter series or seen the movies, the Weasley Clock is a magical clock that tracks the location of the various family members. This has been duplicated with technology in various ways already, and I thought it would be cool to try one myself.

A couple of us have backed the Seeed Studio RePhone on Kickstarter, which among other things includes gps and cellular capabilities; perfect for a little call-home pinger like what’s necessary. I’d need to setup something to receive the ping and map the provided location to a known location, to function as the clock display.

In the stories, the various positions on the Weasley Clock include “home”, “garden”, “school”, “work”, “travelling”, “quiddich”, “dentist”, “lost”, “hospital”, “prison”, and “mortal peril.”

Most seem self-evident, “quiddich” could be changed to “sports”, we’d need to add “music”, and maybe “shopping”. It could be useful to add “rapid transit” in addition to “travelling”, for when there was a problem on the transit system.

There are some obviously large issues with this, not limited to tracking gps coordinates of these various locations. Each person tracked needs to have their own coordinates for each place, as well as other shared places like “shopping”.

I posted about this also on my facebook https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/scriven/posts/10153560398265218 / https://www.facebook.com/scriven/posts/10153560398265218.

Real-life inspirations include http://magicclock.de/.

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